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Gardinia Bush Car Indoor Winter Months

I've two new gardenia's bushes. They bloomed beautifully this past summer.  Removed from garden into house for cold new jersey winter.  What kind of care should be given to best optimize their survival during the next five months of coldness. How often do they bloom..how can I best take care of these wonderful bushes.  Appreciate your helpful advise.  Respectfully,  Patricia Buttor

oct 16 2009

Hi Patricia,
Thanx for your questions.  Keep your gardenias in a window facing the East or South for best sunlight.  The plants will go into a semi-dormancy and lose some of their leaves so don't be alarmed.  Don't feed them but keep them from drying out, watering once a week  or more if necessary (sometimes heating systems can dessicate the air inside the house...).  The blooming will be sharply reduced during the winter due to the low position of the sun in the sky.  In the spring, after temperatures are reliably above 50癋/10癈 outdoors, bring the plants back outside but place in the shade for about 10 days to acclimatize them to the outdoors.  Start feeding them a low nitrogen, high potassium and phosphorus fertilizer rated for flowering shrubs (following directions on the box).  Water frequently as the gardenia is used to a wet, tropical environment.  I would also side-dress the plants with well-composted manure in the spring and mid-summer.  I hope this helps.

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