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browning grass tips

We laid our lawn using turf in June of last year.  A Cypress leylandii hedge borders the circumference of the area and the grass is browning at the tips around the edges of the lawn. Might there be a connection? What would you suggest?

Brown tips on Grass can be symptomatic of many problems.  Leyland Cypress is probably the best selling shrub for hedges in the Northeast.  It makes a great windbreak; looks awesome in a landscape; and is a splendid Christmas Tree.  What抯 not to like?

Well, plenty.  If you抮e a Lawn.

Because roots of these tall Trees secrete toxins to discourage potential competitors from settling nearby and lobbying for resources.

Under certain conditions, at certain times of year, in certain places, a diagnosis of Powdery Mildew would not be far fetched.  I need to know more about where you are writing from to expand on this if needed.  Your Cypresses might be blocking Sun; this results in Grass tips turning a faint tan.

Please let me know what kind of Grass you are growing, if that info is available, and coming and see the flowers.  Thanks for writing.  now rsvp!

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