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Mealy bugs have been getting on my palm that are on my screen porch.  They
have been growing great...then the mealy bugs.  I was told alcohol with equal
parts water would help.  Also that it would not burn the leaves!  Yesterday I
saw one of the palm had yellow and black leaves,  I cut them back.  Now I see
it starting on some of the other palm plants.  What should I do now????? I
have taken such good care of them I'd hate to see them die.


ANSWER: Hi Paula, ok, go to homedepot and get a product called "organocide" its a horticultural oil that will take care of any small insects like mealy bug, spider mites, aphids, white fly larvae etc. the problem with home remedies is they are not an exact science, the horticultural oils are when mixed with the proper amount of water (from the directions on the back). Your palm is showing stress from the mixture, wash all residual alcohol off and if the mealy bugs are still there or reappear, use the organocide, or a similar horticultural oil, mixed per instructions.  Don't worry about losing them, they are pretty resilient plants, and they will refurbish themselves....:) Nick

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Good Morning Nick,

I wonder if the organocide (have to buy it later today) will also work on the
catapillers (orange with black spikes) eating my Oleander and Mandaville plants.
Thank you,

ANSWER: Hi again! oh no! the oleander caterpillar is a tough customer to eradicate, you need to step it up to Sevin or an equivalent; they are a hoard that will strip your Oleander in no time if you don't get after them early. Good luck with them Paula, thats the reason I don't grow them.....Nick

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

You must sit at the computer 24/7 I get answers  FAST! Well I now am trying
to figure out what would make holes in plants leaves.  I do not see any bugs,
though it could be ants.

My night jasmines don't seem to be doing so great...kinda wilted looking
after all the rain.  Would it help if I mixed peat moss or something into the
soil to try to dry it out some?  

Thanks again,
Paula in Port St. Lucie

LOL...Paula, when I'm not here I'm a slave to my own landscape!...ok....sounds like you have either slugs or night feeding caterpillars, common affliction here in Florida, some sevin dust on your smaller plants should deter them, but not on anything that has flowers frequented by our little friends the bees:) the jasmines should be ok now, we are getting into the dryer season, there really isn't anything you can do to dry out the soil, peat moss will only make it worse, it holds water; just let them be, they may be wilting because of transpiration, which is losing too much water through the leaves, the roots aren't able to compensate, misting the leaves with your garden hose periodically will help that. Thanks for you kind comments in your judgments of me, I really appreciate it! Nick

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