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Massangeana Cane Problem

We have had a massangeana cane for about 8 years in our living room that receives indirect light. A few months ago we moved it for the first time to a slightly larger pot. Since then almost all the leaves turned brown and fell off. (There are still 3-4 leaves on the top of each cane that are green.) The plant is about 5 feet tall and we water it about every two weeks. We do use city water but there isn't any fluoride added the water. The trunk is still green where the brown leaves fell off and it has stayed green for about 6 weeks. Will any new leaves start or do we need to prune it back? What is the best way to start a new plant from this one? Any advice on how to help it look better?


Be very careful not to overwater it. But, do water it enough when you water it that all the soil in the pot is moist. Then do not water again till it is dry several inches down in the pot.  The best way to start a new plant from the tops is to air layer. There are full instructions at             

This time of year there is also a 60% chance that cuttings will root if you just dip them in rooting hormone and put them in a new pot of soil and treat them like you always have. Don't throw away the old bases. They will sprout new leaves after you cut off the tops. You can also try rooting just bare cane sections but that only has about a 30% chance of working.  Good luck.


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