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Sounds Of Silence? No Way!

The average Joe may really enjoy the sounds of silence and of course I do too, when I need to get away from the everyday grind that is being a homemaker. Yes, sometimes we homemakers need a little time for ourselves too. But something that is welcome to break that silence for me is the sound of my wind chimes being tickled by the breezes.

I know that everyone needs to enjoy some alone time and soak in the silence once in awhile, but for me there is something that can relax me more than just some quiet time all by myself. That is the sounds of my great big wind chime hanging on the front porch. Even with the slightest breeze they sing a song for me. It doesn't matter what the weather may be, those chimes of mine never go on strike and leave me without their songs.

We live out in the country away from the hustle and bustle and sounds of the city. A country night in the summertime serenades me with so many different sounds. Frogs in the ponds down the road are croaking and the crickets are chirping outside our bedroom window while a distant train horn sounds as it passes through the crossings in one of the neighboring villages. But the sound that I enjoy most at night is that of my wind chime as I lay in bed ready to drift off to sleep unless of course my hubby is snoring too loudly and drowns them out. Sometimes in the wee hours of the morning though, the neighbors rooster thinks it's time to rise and will be doing his cock-a-doodle thing and wake me up but it's not long before I zone out that sound and listen for my chimes and drift back off to sleep. Sometimes, if it takes me a while to fall asleep, I can hear the coyotes communicating with each other with their yips and howls, and sometimes they sound as though they are in our own back yard.

I'm sure that city folk love the sounds of the city just as much as I love the sounds of the country and without all those different sounds the city or country wouldn't be what they are to the people that love to live there. To be able to add a special sound of a wind chime to that mix is just so wonderful and something I will continue to enjoy so very much. So yes, I enjoy sounds of silence too, but never mind when the sounds of my wind chimes or frogs or crickets or coyotes or train horns let me know that I am where I love to be.

There is about as many different sounds and styles of wind chimes as there are sounds of the country and city. Perhaps you would like to have another sound to mingle with all the others you enjoy so much. Come and visit us and see what we have to offer.

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