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Tree root problem

I have a large Redwood (I think) tree that is on my neighbors
property, but is right up against my fence. The tree is great,
provides shade, and is about 150 ft. tall, trunk is probably 6' in

I installed a patio a few years ago, and now there is a large
hump where the tree roots appear to be coming up underneath
the fence and into my yard, and they are destroying the patio.
The patio is a paver type, so it's just brick laying on top of
compressed sand and rock. I have dug up the root to take a
look, as I'd like to know if I can SAFELY cut it without destroying
the tree.

I have taken a few photos, and if you could take a look and give
an opinion I would appreciate it.





You need to consult with a certified arborist before doing anything.  Only having an expert come to the location can you make a prpoer evaluation.

Good gardening

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