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olive Arbequina

QUESTION: I just received an olive tree in a small container.  I want to transplant into a larger container, but am worried that if I transplant now the tree won't flower (it has lots of unopened flower buds on it).  Is it safe to transplant  now?
ANSWER: I would wait until after it blooms, then move it to a larger pot with good potting soil. It is best to let the roots fill the original pot before moving it.   

If you are growing it inside Choose a place for your Olive tree that receives full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sun each day). A location near a sunny, south-facing window is ideal. Take care to position your plant away from heat vents and radiators and not too close to a window, which can act as a magnifying glass and literally 揻ry?the leaves.

When the potting mix feels dry 1 inch below the surface, water thoroughly. Your tree will require less water in fall and winter, the seasons when Olive trees naturally take a rest, but don't let the soil mix dry out completely.

During fall and winter, fertilize once a month with a balanced houseplant fertilizer (such as 20-20-20). In spring and summer when your tree is in active growth, fertilize every two weeks or apply a timed-release fertilizer.

If you would like to move your tree outdoors for the summer, wait until the danger of frost has passed in spring, then gradually acclimate your plant to conditions outside over a week抯 time. Set the pot outdoors in a sheltered, lightly shaded spot, increasing the exposure to sun and wind each day. Check the moisture of the potting mix and water thoroughly if it抯 dry. Once acclimated, keep your Olive in full sun for the summer, and bring it back inside before frost in fall.

When the roots of your Olive have become crowded, transplant it into a larger pot. Choose a pot that is 1? inches wider in diameter, with a drainage hole in the bottom. Use a fast-draining potting mix, and begin by filling the container about half-full of moistened mix. Remove the plant from the pot by grasping the rim, turning the pot upside down, and tapping it against the heel of your hand. Gently break up the sides of the root ball with your thumbs and tease apart any roots that are circling at the bottom. Then set the root ball on top of the mix and adjust the amount of mix in the container so that the top of the root ball will be about 1 inch below the rim. Fill in around the root ball with potting mix to bring the level to about 1 inch below the rim, and firm lightly. Finally, water thoroughly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is it possible that the plant will actually get olives when it is small?  It was just purchaed from the nursery and is quite young.  If it does get olives should I wait until fall to transplant?

It is possible but not probable, it depends on if the flowers were pollinated or not. If it does they will be few and small being the tree is so young. I would leave it in the pot it is in and this will give the plant time to establish a good root system and then transplant it in the fall.

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