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kentucky bluegrass

is it necessary to put insecticide on lawn?my neighbor has a lawn service,and they sprayed an
application of insecticide.

Followup To

Question -
Hello,i am having a problem with the grass not growing,and not greening.the soil is clay and has stone mixed in.the land was owned and farmed at one time.i was told it was a cornfield.a sample i took to msu extension service showed a 1 inch layer of thatch.they told me to aerate.i had ir aerated two weeks ago.i did fertilze after with
scotts fertilzer and water it in.i also added night crawlers to my lawn.any help wih how much water i should apply,and any soil conditioner should i apply?i live in michigan.

Answer -
1" layer of thatch will make it almost impossible for grass to grow. Aerating was sound advice. If the lawn is established, water infrequently and deeply, such as once per week for 2 hours (rather than 15 minutes daily). If you have just sowed grass seeds, you need to turn this watering pattern up-side-down for a few weeks and water frequently and shallowly (10-15 minutes twice per day) to ensure that the seed bed is kept consistently moist. Once the new seeds germinate (sprout) you should gradually change over to an infrequent and deep watering pattern again. If you have not sown grass, water infrequently and deeply as explained.

Also fertilize again in september and then again in late october. Do not fertilize again in summer.

Mow your lawn regularily and try to keep it at the same height for the season.

Good luck.

I usually do not recommend using insecticides on lawns preventively unless you have a proven problems with insects which normal healthy lawncare can not rectify.

If you have a documented problems with specific bugs, then insecticides can be used to eradicate same.

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