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which sundew for me?

QUESTION: Hi I had a question about finding the right sundew plant for me.
I have been thinking about purchasing one for my 6 year old brother and I but I am not sure where to start ?

I would like a sundew that has these characteristics :

1. A sundew that is  easy to grow and can grow in something easy like pure lfs.

2. Something that can grow in my windowsill and does not need that much sunlight. Also a sundew that wont require much humidity.

3. I would also like a plant that does not have a dormant period and will grow well all year round.

Also I had few questions about the sundew :

1. Do sundew plants have a life cycle or do they also live indefinitley like the nepenthes ?

2. I understand how the sundew works in capturing its food but how exactly do they digest it and what happens to the insect's body after ?

3. Is there any maintenence that is required such as trimming dead leaves ?

I hope my questions don't confuse you. I have more knowledge of nepenthes than sundews..

Personally I think you guys will suggest the d. adalae but you might say theres something better.

Well I look forward to hearing from you.

thanks again - Matt

ANSWER: Hi Matt,

Drosera adelae is really the only choice you have if you're looking for a sundew that doesn't require as much sun.  They make great windowsill plants.  It is a true tropical sundew with no dormancy.  If you have access to a sunny window, the Cape Sundew (Drosera capensis) is your best option for a beginner.  Drosera adelae and most sundews are fine growing in long fiber sphagnum moss.

For general care visit our caresheet pages here:  http://www.cobraplant.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=26  Also consider our volume #2 DVD.  It would give you and your little brother a full course on growing sundews and butterworts, and would help you avoid the pitfalls so common to new growers.  http://www.cobraplant.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=38&products_id=

Good Growing!

Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi I was about to buy  d adelae sundew until I found out that it is a bienniel ?

I guess this means that the plant will eventually die ..

I am really looking for an easy to care for sundew that wont require as much sunlight and won't need too much humidity.

Also the most important thing for me is that I want a sundew that will not go dormant and is biennial or anything meaning it won't die off.

Please help me with some suggestions for a sundew that will meet my requirements and something other than the d adalae.

thanks for your help - Matt

Hi Matt,

I don't think the information you have about Drosera adelae being biennial is accurate.  It's a tropical perennial.  I've noticed individual plants slowing down sometimes after blooming, but D. adelae sends out dozens of stolons under the soil and produces lots of "pups" all around the main plant.  They can be quite prolific.  If a plant starts looking bad, all you have to do is cut it off, and it will send up dozens of new shoots.  You don't need to worry about loosing these for this reason.

Good Growing!

Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest

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