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ornamental cherry tree/mildew or fungus

My neighbor (marstons mills) has two cherry trees that have been healthy and happy for at least ten years.  This summer one seems to be dying.  It has a white powdery fungus or mold forming on all the branches and working its way down the trunk.  The leaves turn yellow/brown and drop off.  The second tree which is on the other side of the yard has started to do the same thing.  Is there anything that can be done to save the trees?

Thank you for any help you can give her.

Unfortunately, Cherry trees are prone to many diseases and problems. If it is indeed mildew that is on the leaves and trunk, it shouldn't kill the tree, but I'd tell your neighbor to take a sample of leaves and stem that are effected into the Extension Office - it's in the Deeds and Probate buliding across from the courthouse in Barnstable.

If it's mildew, I'd recommend Green Cure - a least-toxic treatment for mildew that I've found VERY effective. If local garden centers don't have it you can find it online.  (I ordered it from the Muck Boots site)  Spray as soon as possible, and next season begin spraying at bud break.

If it is something other than mildew the extension office will make recommendations.

No matter what it is, don't fertilze the tree - pushing growth with fertilzer makes insect and disease problems worse not better.  Water the tree deeply if it doesn't rain every week.

all the best,

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