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jumpstart my plants

My lantana which i know is a perennial is coming back slooooowlywhith no blooms yet.
I planted vinca plants over a month ago and they dont seem to be
growing much.  There are some blooms on them.I live in MS where it is hot and dry.  My beds consist of compost and top soil. I spray for bugs and fungus regularly.
What do you recommend to help these plants get a jump start on size and
Thank you in advance! Jamie

With your compost and top soil the basics should be in place - if you haven't cut the lantana back a bit, by cutting off about a quarter to a third of the stems, I'd do that because this will stimulate new growth.  You can fertilize twice during the season with any general fertilizer, but don't use one that has a really really high middle number.  THese often have "blossom" in the title, but numbers that are more even across are really better for plants.

Fertilize the Vinca plants with a liquid fertilzer every two weeks, being sure to  water the plants well before you fertilze - never fertilize a thirsty plant!  Do you have a problem with fungus normally?  If not, don't spray unless you need to - fungicides kill off the "good guy" fungi that help plants to grow, so unless you need to use them it's best not to treat a garden with them on a regular basis.  This also applies to insecicides....they kill off the beneficial insect that prey on the others, so by spraying regularly you upset the balance nature has set in place.  

From a plant's point of view, a developed root system is often the first thing to get into place, so water your plants deeply when the soil is dry, but allow the surface to dry out between waterings - a deep soaking less often is better than watering by hand every day!  Deep roots take plants through the hot weather in better shape, and will help support more flowers.

I hope this helps,

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