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What to do with new lawn?

Hi from Cincinnati, OH! It抯 October 21 and I am concerned about what to do with my lawn.  My yard is just over 1 year old and I was very happy this spring as continual over-seeding and Scott抯 lawn service (fertilizer) turned a sea of straw into a very thick, green carpet.  In fact, the yard was very thick and dark, dark green prior to the hot spell we had in August梐fter which that green carpet became green and brown with some patches more green and some more brown.  It抯 been a relatively damp fall and I thought the grass would recover but I notice as I dropped the mowing height (1 inch overall but 1/2 at a time) that those brown areas may truly be dead.  I am also concerned by the existence of some black spots within several predominately-brown areas when I move the blades of grass to look at the soil.  I have someone coming to aerate and over-seeded the yard (this week).  Should I also rake to get rid of the browned areas or do I just wait until spring and see how things grow in?   I appreciate your feedback.
Thank you!

I would recommend that you wait until spring to determine if the brown patches spring back. August is a taxing month on grass.

For best result, water your lawn regularly through hot summer months. When you water, water infrequently and deeply, such as once per week for 2 hours rather than 15 minutes daily. Deep, infrequent soakings are best.
If the lawn goes brown in summer, let it stay that way until it comes out in fall unless you are prepared to water regularly.

Fertilize your lawn in late spring, early fall and late fall. I recommend regular lawn fertilizer w/out broadleaf weed control products (I don't like the combination products). Apply regular lawn fertilizers to a dry lawn and then water in immediately (or apply when rain is anticipated). Do not fertilize a draught stressed lawn (water a few days before, or at least while it is green.. not brown). Do not fertilize your lawn between early June and end of August. It does not matter what the fertilizer promises. Fertilizer is not good for a cool season lawn in OH in summer.

Mow your lawn regularly and mow it at the same height. Target a 2.5-3.5" tall lawn (measured after mowing). It is better to mow frequently and cutting small amounts off.

Overseeding is best done in late spring and early fall.

DO not fertilize more than 3 times per year.  

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