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lawn fertilizing

I live in northeast Oklahoma and have shade fescue. It has done well with 13/13/13. I applied this last fall. When should I apply it this spring? Thanks, Bob.

Ho Bob'
You asked the wrong person about fertilizers.
I m on an organic program, and I do NOT use chemicals at all on my lawn or in my house, and I have a weedfree, incest free lawn and an insect free house.
If you would like information about n organic program that wil eliminate all the lawn care problems, write me and I will be glad to share.
I have only been on organics for about 10 years now. I just wish it hand't taken me so long to wise up.
I do little work in the yard, spend very little, and have NONE of the problems that used to be a constant source of struggle for me.
It is so simple, so obvious, and such a nice way to go.
Chemicals CAUSE the problems, they don't cure them.
Organics cures them.

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