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Straggler Daisy, Prostrate Lawnflower, Hierba del caballo, Horseherb

Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Calyptocarpus (kal-ip-toe-KAR-pus) (Info)Species: vialis (VEE-uh-lis) (Info)Synonym:Syn

Aloe, African Aloe, Soap Aloe

Family: AloaceaeGenus: Aloe (AL-oh) (Info)Species: maculata (mak-yuh-LAH-tuh) (Info)Synonym:Aloe saponariaSynonym:Aloe leptophylla

Donkey Ears, Life Plant

Family: Crassulaceae (krass-yoo-LAY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Kalanchoe (kal-un-KOH-ee) (Info)Species: gastonis-bonnieri (gas-TON bon-nee-ER-ee)

Artillery Plant

Family: UrticaceaeGenus: Pilea (py-LEE-uh) (Info)Species: microphylla (my-kro-FIL-uh) (Info)

Wintercreeper Euonymus Coloratus

Family: CelastraceaeGenus: Euonymus (yoo-ON-ih-mus) (Info)Species: fortunei (for-TOO-nee-eye) (Info)Cultivar: ColoratusSynonym:Euonymus fort

Alpine Strawberry, Sow-teat Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry

Family: Rosaceae (ro-ZAY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Fragaria (frag-AY-ree-uh) (Info)Species: vesca (VES-kuh) (Info)

Chocolate Plant

Family: Acanthaceae (ah-kanth-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Pseuderanthemum (soo-der-RANTH-ee-mum) (Info)Species: alatum (a-LAY-tum) (Info)

Corsican Mint

Family: Lamiaceae (lay-mee-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Mentha (MEN-thuh) (Info)Species: requienii (re-kwee-EN-ee-eye) (Info)

Lambs Ear Helen Von Stein

Family: Lamiaceae (lay-mee-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Stachys (STAK-iss) (Info)Species: byzantina (biz-an-TEE-nuh) (Info)Cultivar: Helen Von S

Dichondra, Kidney Weed

Family: Convolvulaceae (kon-volv-yoo-LAY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Dichondra (dy-KON-druh) (Info)Species: repens (REE-penz) (Info)

Dicentra Species, Fringed Bleeding Heart

Family: Papaveraceae (pa-pav-er-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Dicentra (dy-SEN-truh) (Info)Species: eximia (eks-IM-mee-uh) (Info)Synonym:Bicucull

Wandering Jew, Inch Plant

Family: Commelinaceae (ko-mel-ih-NAY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Tradescantia (trad-es-KAN-tee-uh) (Info)Species: fluminensis (floo-min-EN-sis) (I

Creeping Buttercup

Family: Ranunculaceae (ra-nun-kew-LAY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Ranunculus (ra-NUN-ku-lus) (Info)Species: repens (REE-penz) (Info)

Beach Sunflower

Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Helianthus (hee-lee-AN-thus) (Info)Species: debilis (deb-IL-iss) (Info)

Okinawan Spinach

Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Gynura (jy-NYOOR-uh) (Info)Species: bicolor (BY-kul-ur) (Info)

Ajuga, Bugleweed, Carpet Bugle Bronze Beauty

Family: Lamiaceae (lay-mee-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Ajuga (a-JOO-guh) (Info)Species: reptans (REP-tanz) (Info)Cultivar: Bronze Beauty

Canadian Wild Ginger, Canadian Snakeroot

Family: AristolochiaceaeGenus: Asarum (as-AIR-um) (Info)Species: canadense (ka-na-DEN-see) (Info)

Spotted Dead Nettle Pink Pewter

Family: Lamiaceae (lay-mee-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Lamium (LAY-mee-um) (Info)Species: maculatum (mak-yuh-LAH-tum) (Info)Cultivar: Pink Pewt

Campanula Species, Bluebells of Scotland, Roundleaf Bellflower, Scottish Harebell

Family: Campanulaceae (kam-pan-yew-LAY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Campanula (kam-PAN-yoo-luh) (Info)Species: rotundifolia (ro-tun-dih-FOH-lee-uh)

Ajuga, Bugleweed, Carpet Bugle Valfredda

Family: Lamiaceae (lay-mee-AY-see-ee) (Info)Genus: Ajuga (a-JOO-guh) (Info)Species: reptans (REP-tanz) (Info)Cultivar: ValfreddaAdditional

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