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Solar Fountains for Unlimited Possibilities

The soothing and calming effects of water rushing through a mountain stream are well known to anyone that has spent time in the natural parks and forests of this great land. However, it is few of us who are fortunate enough to live near one of these beautiful streams. Thus, we must seek to simulate these effects in our home environment and we are most lucky to be living in an era that provides us with almost unlimited choices in doing so. While we cannot install a full fledged mountain stream in our backyard, we can simulate the same experience through the use of solar fountains or waterfalls.

It would be difficult to dispute the fact that a water fountain placed in your backyard or garden will be one of the prominent features in your outdoor living area. Due to this fact, the placement of this water feature will be vitally important to the overall theme you will attempt to achieve in your backyard. By utilizing solar power, your ability to place your unit anywhere you desire will be unlimited by your need for electrical power. Since these units operate entirely from energy collected by the sun, your location is only limited by your ability to capture several hours of direct sunlight. One thing to keep in mind when purchasing a solar powered water feature is the ability to remotely locate the solar cell away from the feature itself in case the ideal placement will cause the unit itself to be installed in a shady area.

While some of the less expensive models may only operate during times that the sun is shining, many solar fountains are available with the added feature of a battery to store the energy of the sun and utilize that energy during times when adequate sunlight is not available to power the unit such as prolonged periods of cloudy days and night time hours. With the combination of battery power storage and an included light, you will be able to enjoy your water fountain or waterfall long after the sun has set for the evening. By including these features with your water feature, you will instantly double the amount of time you will benefit from the installation of one of these units.

When you elect to utilize solar energy to power your water feature, you not only have unlimited choices of where you can locate your unit, you also will save money in both the short and long term. Since no electricity is required, you will save on the initial costs by not requiring permits and electricians to install electrical service for the unit. In the long haul, your energy source is free so there are no utility bills to have to pay. The only costs you may incur outside of your initial investment will be the future replacement of the pump and battery. However, the pump and battery will easily last several years with just the minimum amount of routine maintenance, thus allowing your solar fountain or waterfall to provide many hours of relaxing enjoyment for you, your family, and the many guests that will be lounging around this wonderful backyard addition.

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