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A Great Summer Workout

A Great Summer Workout

Are you tired of those exercise routines just so you can maintain your weight and your good health? Going to the gym for a workout three or four times a week isn’t what it’s all cranked up to be. First it’s the trip to the gym in all kinds of weather, then having the patients to wait out the crowd so you can use the equipment that you prefer. Then there’s that verbal socialization that other exercise enthusiasts seem to be in so much need of. Well, you can leave all that behind for a few months by getting most of your exercise from a great summer workout in your garden.

Gardening relaxes your mind and gives your body a pretty good workout, too. The routine gardening tasks of spreading mulch, digging in the soil, planting, moving shrubs, and raking will give you a very good workout that strengthens your muscles and bones at the same time. Bending to get at those tenacious weeds is great for increasing your flexibility.

And if that’s not enough, get a push lawn mower to burn off some more calories while getting a cardio vascular workout at at the same time. Leave the gym and the treadmill for those winter months. Working in your garden will give you lots of fresh air rather than the stale air conditioned air of a gym, not to mention those other odors, and give you a great looking yard too.

Your garden exercise routine can start in the spring and can continue through late fall. That’s nearly five months that you don’t have to pay gym dues just to get some exercise. And while you are getting your garden exercise and fresh air you can enjoy the colorful flowers and the natural music of birds singing. Gardening offers the natural soothing and harmony of nature for the mind and the body.

Whatever your garden interest may be, flowers, vegetables, or a combination of both, you reap what you sow; growing your own fresh vegetables is a rewarding experience. There is nothing like your own fresh home grown tomatoes and cut garden fresh flowers can adorn your table with the freshness of nature. And on top of all that, the Vitamin D you soak up is good for you too.

Your gardening exercise routine will gives you a sense of purpose and make you independent from the verbal socializations of the gym. If you want socialization you can join the local gardening club to exchange ideas and tips on gardening and exchange some of your flowers and vegetables with other members. Joining a garden club is a great way to meet people with similar interests.

If you live in an apartment or condo and don’t have space for a home garden, help friends with their gardens or find a community garden. Most community gardens have individual plots that are tilled by the land owner and maintained by the plot renter.  As in all exercise programs warm up your body before starting your day of gardening.  Stretch your back, arms, legs and neck before you dig in. When you are finished for the day, stretch out your muscles, especially your back, legs, and shoulders.  Gardening can be a great exercising workout but don’t overdo it. 

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