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List of U.S. State Flowers with Pictures

Each of the 50 states in the U.S. have a designated flower. Buzzle brings you a list of these flowers along with their pictures.

State flower of Kansas - sunflower Q- Which state's official flower isn't actually a flower?
A- Maine.

The official flower of Maine is the eastern white pine cone and tassel, which is of course a cone that bears seeds, and certainly not a flower.State symbols tend to reflect the culture and values, and in some cases, these act as an ode to the flora and fauna. Most states have an official flower, which is native to the region. On the other hand, there are also some instances where a non-native flower is picked owing to its beauty or symbolism. In addition to this, there are a few states that also have an official wildflower.

Violet seems to be the most favored of them all, with four states designating it as their official flower. Do you know which states these are? You'll find the answers as you scroll.List of State Flowers of the United StatesAlabamapink camelliaCamellia
(Camellia japonica)Alaskablue myosotisForget-me-not
(Myosotis alpestris)Arizonasaguaro blossomSaguaro cactus blossom
(Carnegiea gigantea)Arkansasapple blossoms in springApple blossom
(Malus domestica)Californiaeschscholzia flowerCalifornia poppy
(Eschscholzia californica)Coloradocolumbine wildflowerRocky Mountain columbine
(Aquilegia caerulea)Connecticutmountain laurel close upMountain laurel
(Kalmia latifolia)Delawarepeach blossomPeach blossom
(Prunus persica)Floridaorange blossom specialOrange blossom
(Citrus sinensis)Georgiacherokee roseCherokee rose
(Rosa laevigata)Hawaiiyellow hibiscusPua aloalo
(Hibiscus brackenridgei)Idahojasmine flowerSyringa
(Philadelphus lewisii)Illinoisviolet flower closeupViolet
(Viola)Indianapink peonyPeony
(Paeonia lactiflora)Iowarosa arkansanaWild prairie rose
(Rosa arkansana)Kansassunflowers fieldSunflower
(Helianthus annuus)Kentuckyscanada goldenrodGoldenrod
(Solidago sp.)Louisianamagnolia treeMagnolia
(Magnolia grandiflora)Mainepine tree coneWhite pine cone and tassel
(Pinus strobus)Marylandeyed susan flowersBlack-eyed Susan
(Rudbeckia hirta)Massachusettsblooming hawthornMayflower
(Epigaea repens)Michiganapple blossoms in springApple blossom
(Malus domestica)Minnesotalady slipperPink and white lady slipper
(Cypripedium reginae)Mississippimagnolia treeMagnolia
(Magnolia grandiflora)Missouriwhite spring flowersHawthorn
(Crataegus)Montanabitterrroot flowers in bloomBitterroot
(Lewisia rediviva)Nebraskacanada goldenrodGoldenrod
(Solidago gigantea)Nevadasage brushSagebrush
(Artemisia tridentata)New Hampshirepurple lilacPurple lilac
(Syringa vulgaris)New Jerseyviolet flower closeupViolet
(Viola sororia)New Mexicowild yuccaYucca
(Yucca glauca)New Yorkpeach roseRose
(Rosa)North Carolinadogwood blossomsFlowering dogwood
(Cornus florida)North Dakotarosa arkansanaWild prairie rose
(Rosa arkansana)Ohiored carnationScarlet carnation
(Dianthus caryophyllus)Oklahomamistletoe flowerMistletoe
(Phoradendron leucarpum)Oregonoregon grapeOregon grape
(Berberis aquifolium)Pennsylvaniamountain laurel close upMountain laurel
(Kalmia latifolia)Rhode Islandviolet flower closeupViolet
(Viola palmata)South Carolinawinter jasmineYellow jessamine
(Gelsemium sempervirens)South Dakotapulsatilla bluePasque Flower
(Anemone patens var. multifida)Tennesseeblue iridaceaeIris
(Iris germanica)Texastexas bluebonnetTexas Bluebonnet
(Lupinus)Utahsego liliesSego lily
(Calochortus)Vermonttrifolium pratenseRed clover
(Trifolium pratense)Virginiadogwood blossomsFlowering dogwood
(Cornus florida)Washingtonflower in seasonal bloomCoast rhododendron
(Rhododendron macrophyllum)West Virginiapink rhododendron flowersRhododendron
(Rhododendron maximum)Wisconsinviolet flower closeupWood Violet
(Viola sororia)Wyomingindian paintbrushIndian Paintbrush
(Castilleja linariifolia)District of Columbiapink roseAmerican Beauty Rose
(Rosa 'American Beauty')District of Columbia, despite not being a state, does have an official flower, which quite aptly happens to be the American Beauty rose.

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