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winterizing holly bushes

We have a pair (one male, one female) of holly bushes.  This will be the first winter for them.  Should we winterize them in some way - mulch? cover?  Also, any advice about cutting off berries for holiday decorating without detriment to the bush?  We live in midocast Maine.   Thanks for your help.

Dear Debbie,
 Howdy,Coach Dave here, I work for The Home Depot in California. I have working knowledge with various types of holly.  I'm guessing you have the Ilex opaca,(American Holly or Christmas Holly), being it is most prolific in your area.
 You are correct about mulching for winter.  About a two inch layer of mulch will reduce weed growth, protect against frost damage to roots, and help with water retention.
 In regards to cutting berries for holiday decorating, don't be shy. Trimming the Holly will allow you shape the bush to your liking and encourage new growth. Don't forget to remove the dead or damaged stems.                   You might consider using gloves so as not to scratch your hands.
  Try to keep the Holly bushes on the same side of the house to assure pollinating the female Holly for it's colorful berries. As a final note, to green your Holly bushes even more, just sprinkle your spent coffee grounds around the drip line of the Holly. Let me know if you have any more questions,I'm always happy to help.

Yours Respectfully,
Coach Dave

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