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Unknown plant dying...

No, its definately not lucky bamboo; each leaf has its own skinny little stem.  I think the lady from the next office called it a peace lilly once, but it never blooms. It used to have a fish in the jar, but I'm scared of fish, so it had to go. The light ususally perks it right up, but not now. Its a little sadder this morning, and when I dug around the base of the stems, they are dark and almost rotten looking with white spots in places.  It may just be time for the trash.
Followup To
Question -
I have a little plant that sits on my desk at work. It was here when I got here, and I've grown quite fond of it. I don't know what it is called (sorry), but you see it at Wal-Mart and Target all the time. It has skinny little leaves (about 1" wide, 3" long), no verigation and lives in a glass jar filled with water, some glass "rocks" and a nice bow around the jar.

Its lived happily for the year that I've been here (and apparently for a while before that), with only the occasional water change and a dash of fertilizer, suffering only the sporadic dead leaf and a few brown leaf tips which have been promptly cut off.  I left it sitting snugly under a lamp for the weekend (as usual) and when I came in Monday morning, it was on its deathbed. All the leaves are wilty and sagging with brown tips, and about 1/3 are various shades of yellow.

Yesterday I changed its water and gave it a bit of fertilizer, but it was just as bad this morning. Its currently in ICU under the lamp. Its in a 70F office with flourescent lighting - the lamp is normal (not flourescent). Can it be saved?

Thanks so much,
Answer -

Your plant is known as lucky bamboo, although it is not a true bamboo plant. It is a Dracaena Sanderiana. Get it out from under the lamp and put it in a shadier location. Make sure it is not being watered with water that has chlorine  or flouride in it. The info below came from the following web site. Read it over and if you have more guestions be sure to write again. Good luck.



Lucky Bamboo History, Meaning and Care
It is estimated that bamboo has been a symbol of good fortune in the Asian culture more than 4000 years. In ancient Asia, this plant was considered a member of the bamboo family, however, modern science classifies it as Dracaena Sanderiana
Lucky bamboo is one of the plants recommended by Feng Shui masters to improve Feng Shui and create a space where you feel safe and more energized. Feng Shui is the ancient practice of bringing the natural elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal into balance in our surroundings. This is believed to produce greater harmony and a more positive life experience.

Because lucky bamboo is able to thrive in many areas of the home or workplace where other plants would not, it is valued as a means to enhance the positive flow of energy or "chi" in these areas.

The bamboo stalk is valued as a perfect symbol of the wood element. A red ribbon tied around the stalks symbolized the element of fire. The addition of a little fire assists enhancing or "igniting" the positive result that is desired.

What do the various numbers of stalks mean?

3 stalks = attracts happiness
5 stalks = attracts wealth
7 stalks = result in good health
21 stalks = offer a very powerful all-purpose blessing

A few simple rules:

First avoid too much sunlight. Lucky bamboo grows naturally under the canopy of wet tropical rain forests. It needs very little sunlight to thrive. In general, the more indirect, the better. If you see burning or browning on the tips of the leaves, the location may receive too much sunlight. Lucky Bamboo must be kept moist all the time. It prefers a few inches of fresh, or filtered water. It will also thrive in a soil mixture as long as this soil holds a lot of water. Since neither water nor soil contains the vitamins, minerals and hormones that are found in Lucky Bamboo's natural growing environment, supplementation is recommended.

What causes leaves or stalks to turn yellow?
After considering the possibility of too much light, the next element to consider is the source of the water you are using. If you live in a city where fluoride is added to the water, or has high chlorine or salt content, or a combination of these factors will cause this problem. Yellowing is first seen at the tips of the leaves and then spreads throughout the whole stalk until it dies. It is vital to provide pure, clean water, either by adding an effective filtering system to your tap, or by purchasing water for this purpose. If you suspect this is your problem, and you improve the quality of your water, allow time for healthy, new foliage to form before concluding that something else must be wrong.

Can lucky bamboo be planted outdoors?
No, unless you live in a tropical rain forest. This plant does not respond well to temberatures below 16c, and must be kept very moist at all times.

Is lucky bamboo safe for children and pets?
It is completely non-toxic and safe.

Can propagation be done from original stalks?
To grow new stalks from your original ones, make a clean cut through the stalk, seal the top end with some wax. Place the cutting in fresh, clean water with some rooting hormone (use directions on rooting hormone package). Refresh this mixture at least once a week.

What type of ailments affect lucky bamboo?
Lucky bamboo is susceptible to many of the same ailments as conventional houseplants. Treatment is easily achieved by using products available at your local home and garden center. We recommend treating pests with organic or environmentally safe products like "Safer" as they are safer for humans, animals and the environment.

How Long Does Bamboo Last?
Lucky Bamboo is native to much warmer, humid climates than Winnipeg. Depending on the humidity and temperature of your home it can last from a couple weeks to several months. There is really not much you can do if bamboo doesn't like the environment in your home, so enjoy the time you do have with it.  


Ok, it is either a peace lilly or a chinese evergreen. Which doesn't matter. Roots of plants need to breath air even when they are growing in water. That is why when plants are growing in soil they need moist periods and dry periods alternating. In water you can't do that so you don't fill the jar up clear to the base of the plant. You leave an inch or inch and a half of air space between the top of the water and the base of the plant so the top part of the roots breath and the bottom part are in the water. It may be too late but you might try pouring some water out so just the tips of the roots are in water.  If you want to determine which plant you have go to Google and put in Chinese evergreen and then click on images. If it is not that you can then put in peace lilly.  Good luck.


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