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nepenthes atala

No pitchers so far, lots of ends that could become pitchers but none yet. Have in a southern window that gives filtered sun due to a sheer curtain, water tray with water in it, fertilized last in February with orchid fertilizer very diluted. Is it just too soon? Put it outside and it got blown over in the wind so not inside again for the past three weeks. good healthy-looking plant but...help.

Hi Jo,

Lighting is the main issue for lack of pitchers.  Although it gets lots of filtered light in a south window, I'm afraid it's simply not bright enough for this particular species.  It likes it very bright with some direct sunlight.  If you can move it to a location where it can get a few hours of direct sunlight and bright indirect sunlight during the rest of the day, you will see pitchers develop within a month or two.  A sunny west window will also work.  

The other issue is also your watering method.  You should water Nepenthes like you would a regular houseplant.  Avoid letting it sit in water.  Most carnivorous plants are bog plants, so they don't mind sitting in water.  Nepenthes, however, grows more like an epiphyte, so it doesn't like sitting in water.  Too much water will rot its roots.

So give your plant more sunlight and water like you would a regular houseplant.  Since plants prefer a very stable environment, keep the plant indoors.  Otherwise you'll delay pitcher development as the plant needs to acclimate to outdoor growing.  

For more information about growing Nepenthes, visit our care sheet section on our main website:

Good growing!
Jacob Farin

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