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growing a good and healthy lawn

iam a nigerian in kano state how do i grow a good and healthy lawn ?

I am not familiar with the climate in nigeria and not know which types of grass would prevail in your area. However, provided you have access to grass seeds which can grow and survive where you are, the following would be a basic receipe to follow to establish a new lawn:

- loosen the top few inches of the soil in preparation for seeding. if possible, mix in some compost or composted manure to improve the soil.

- rake the area smooth and remove any stones and larger objects

- spread grass seeds. about 4-6 lbs (2-3 kgs) per 1000 sq feet (100 sq meters). make sure to distribute evenly.

- water the seeded area once really well. You must then keep the top 1 inch (3 cms) consistently moist until germination (until the grass sprout). This can be done by watering 2-3 times daily for a few minutes at a time. The goal is to keep the top 1" of soil consistently moist. do not let dry out.

- after the grass has sprouted (germinated) gradually increase the time between watering and the amount of water you apply. The goal is now to water INFERQUENTLY, BUT DEEPLY such as once per week for 2 hours rather than 15 minutes several times per day. The goal now is to thoroughly wet the soil to a dept of 8-10" (15-20 cms) deep and then not water again until the top layers of soil has started to dry. This will encourage the grass to grow deep roots in search of water.  I am not sure what the temperatures are in your area, but if they are very hot - like the south in USA - then you may still have to water several times per week. The important difference is still to water infrequently and deeply (wet entire root profile and then do not water again until soil starts to dry out a bit).

The principles:
The frequent/shallow application of water which was used during seed establishment is meant to keep the top few inches of soil CONSISTENTLY damp (must never dry out). This watering pattern should only be used until the grass sprouts. Then gradually you must change to the infrequent/deep watering pattern.

- once the lawn is 3-4" tall (8-10 cms tall) cut it back to 2.5-3" (6-8 cms) and keep it mowed at this length.

Generally, a lawn needs:
- loose well preparred soil
- regular watering
- regular mowings

In addition to above, I recommend that you fertilize your lawn 2-3 times per year. Use a high nitrogen fertilizer, similar to the NPK fertilizers used for corn or wheat. If you can get preformulated lawn fertilizers then these are preferred. Organic gardeners in USA prefer to use composted cattle or chicken manure instead which is also an option.

The reason a lawn must be fertilized is to resupply nutrients (foodstuffs) which the grass plants deplete from the soil.

e.g. in summary:
- loosen the soil, sow grass seeds, and keep the top of the soil consistently damp until sprouting.
- then water reguarily, but water deeply rather than frequently/shallowly.
- mow the grass when it gets 10-15" tall and mow as frequently as you can
- fertilize the lawn 2-3 times per year.

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