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organic potting mix + fertilizer

Hi Elyse, thanks for all your help so far!  I've got a more technical qu about soil in general:

I bought some organic potting mix to plant my tomatoes in, which apparently comes with 'fertilizer'.  There are no ingredients or anything on the pack, so I'm not 100% sure what kind of fertilizer it is (e.g. natural organic fertilizer?)

Anyway, I also bought some 'starter' tomato slow-releaser granular fertilizing things, which advises me to work into the soil pre-planting.  

a) Would you recommend doing this if there is already (presumably organic) fertilizer in the potting mix?  

b) I intend to experiment with different potting mixes, so would you recommend the starter granular fertilizer with a normal mix (that doesn't come with fertilizer)?

c)  Would you be putting any of these granules directly into the planting hole, or just work it around the surrounds?

thanks again!

a)No, I wouldn't fertilize with the potting mix you bought. Too much nitrogen would not be good for the tomatoes. You could feed them later if they seemed to need it.

b&c) the starter fert. would be fine with a regular mix, follow the directions on the package for usage.

as for the ingredients of the organic potting mix, in order for it to be called organic, all ingredients must be so.

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