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How The aqua Globe Can Keep Your Plants Watered And Healthy

Plant lovers now have a new way to deal with the age-old question of when and how much to water plants. The Aqua Globe plant watering system is a simple set-it-and-forget-it system that provides just the right amount of water for your plants for up to two weeks at a time. You just fill the attractive glass globe with water, push the spiked end into the soil in your pot, and walk away. Your plants will automatically be watered for up to two weeks. How's that for cutting down on the daily chore of checking plants and watering them?

It not uncommon to have a house with many plants, all of which need to be watered on a regular basis. While plants can add a fresh and inviting presence to any room, plants do require some maintenance. Checking a plant's soil, knowing what kind of soil conditions is best for each plant, and finally watering those plants can be a hassle and complicate an already cluttered home maintenance checklist.

How do you tell when your plants need watering? Most gardening experts will tell you that all you have to do is stick your finger about an inch into the soil and feel it. If it feels dry you should water the plants. While that may sound simple, deciding whether soil "feels" dry can be surprisingly complex. Cooler soil, for instance, tends to feel moist even when it is not. Aqua Globes eliminate the guesswork by letting the soil draw on water when it is needed.

The Principle behind the Aqua Globe Plant Watering System

The principle at work behind the Aqua Globe plant watering system is simple. When soil is wet, it is very dense. As it dries out, it becomes ready to absorb more water. The Aqua Globe works a like a straw that is capped at the top. As water in the soil evaporates and is used by the plant, it draws more water out of the supply held in the Aqua Globe.

Works of Art or Jewelry for Your Plants

One of the best aspects about the Aqua Globe is how attractive they are. Each Aqua Globe is made of hand-blown glass in a wide variety of colors. Because they are hand-blown, each one is different and unique. They truly are little works of art that decorate your plants even as they keep them healthy.

Why Use a Self-Watering System?

Plants are more likely to be killed by over-watering than by forgetting to water them. When your plants sit in soil that is too wet, they eventually develop root rot. Unfortunately, most people do not realize that a plant does not have to be waterlogged to suffer from root rot.

Many self-watering systems rely on a mechanism with a timer to release water into the soil at pre-timed intervals. This would be perfect, if water evaporated from soil at a consistent rate under all conditions. Even indoor plants and pots are affected when it rains, simply because the air humidity means that water does not evaporate from soil as quickly as it does on a hot, dry day. In winter, your indoor plants may need more water to compensate for the dryness in the air due to the dryness from heating systems.

Watering needs can also vary because of the needs of the plant itself. Plants need more or less water at different points in their own life cycles. A plant going through a growth spurt or setting fruit may need more water than usual. A plant that is getting ready to go dormant will need less.

Even moving your plant can affect the rate at which it uses water. Move a plant from a sunny window to a cooler corner of the house, and you will decrease its need for water. If you keep to the same watering schedule, you could end up over-watering the plant and making it vulnerable to root rot.

Aqua Globes eliminate all of those issues by taking their cue from the soil itself. When the soil dries out enough to need more water, more water is released into the soil. The Aqua Globe doesn't actually "sense" when the soil is dry, it's a mechanical response based on physics.

Will Aqua Globes Work for All Plants?

Aqua Globes are the ideal solution for plants that need to be kept in consistent soil conditions. Most houseplants are in this category. When you use Aqua Globes, the soil never dries out completely, or gets waterlogged. That eliminates the stress placed on the plants by trying to adapt to varying soil conditions. There are some plants that do better in dry sandy soil or rely on "drought" conditions as part of their blossoming cycle. These plants may become waterlogged by using the Aqua Globe, but they are in the minority.

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