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Gardening - Lawn Maintenance Chores Part II

In this second article on lawn maintenance chores we're going to pick up with what needs to be done in order to take care of a high maintenance lawn.

For starters, you're going to need about 4 to 5 hours of free time each week to take care of your lawn if you want it to look like a putting green. You're going to want to plant what is called a dwarf grass, which is one that will tolerate the low mowing heights that you're going to have to set your mower to in order to get that putting green look. The best grass for this look is either Kentucky blue, or creeping bent grass. Creeping bent grass is the kind used by most golf courses. These grass types will give your lawn a lush, velvety carpet look and you will absolutely be the envy of all your neighbors. However, be prepared to pay for this look. This is truly high maintenance work involved here.

High maintenance lawns require constant work. Creeping bentgrass has a very shallow root system and will not stand up to any adverse conditions such as drought, heavy foot traffic and simple neglect.

You're going to need to feed your grass at regular times during the spring, summer and fall. It's during this time that the grass produces most of its new growth. On top of that, you're going to need to cut it, hold onto your seats, at least 3 to 6 times each week to a height of about one-sixth of an inch. Hope you have a lot of gasoline for the mower.

The reason the grass needs to be cut so often is to preserve that mat appearance that you associate with putting greens. After all, that is the look you're going for. It doesn't happen by itself. If you don't cut the grass frequently what happens is it produces soft green spreading shoots over a base of dry, scruffy soft leaves. This is not a nice look. If you're going to invest your money in this type of lawn then you better invest in a mower that is made specifically for this type of cutting. Again, not cheap.

Also, you're going to need to water your lawn at least twice a week and even more often if you run into a hot dry spell. You must water at the most beneficial times, like early in the morning. Hope you're an early riser. Bent grass is very susceptible to disease, one of the worst being snow mold which comes from watering too late in the day where the grass doesn't have enough time to dry out. That's why you have to water early in the morning.

You're also going to have to chemically treat your grass regularly to keep it bug and disease free. You may have to use as many as three different chemicals to keep your lawn disease and bug free.

Yes, a high maintenance lawn is a joy to look at. But it comes at a pretty steep price.

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