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Organic Horticulture Can Be Fun With These Tips

TIP! When laying sod, it is important that you do it correctly. Make sure you prepare your soil before you lay any sod down.

You need to know some basics related to improving your garden for your family, your business, or simply yourself. Here you will find out the basic equipment and general techniques that are used in horticulture so that your efforts are effective and efficient.

TIP! It’s sometimes possible to save certain plants from winter cold by bringing them inside. You may be able to save your most resistant or expensive plants.

You will need to properly lay sod. Get your soil ready before you lay the sod. Pull any weeds that you see, and work to break up the soil so that it is a fine tilth. The next step is compacting your soil and carefully leveling it. The soil should be adequately moistened. Sod must be arranged in staggered rows; each joint should offset one another. You want the sod to end up as a flat and even surface. If there are any gaps in between the sod pieces, then you can fill these in with some soil. Keep the sod moist and avoid walking on it until it is well-rooted, usually two to three weeks.

TIP! Keep your fragile shrubs protected from the winter weather. Any potted shrubs should be sheltered in the winter from cold weather.

To prevent your plants from getting shocked by a big change, get them gradually used to climate and temperature changes. Start by placing your plants outside for a few hours only. Throughout the week, gradually increase the time they are spent outside. Finally, after about a week, you should be able to move them outside and leave them there for the summer.

TIP! A good green garden should start from seeds and not plants. Starting with your own seeds is more environmentally friendly than buying plants from a nursery.

Start your plants in some pots and plant its seedlings in the garden. This insures that the plants will grow and thrive into adulthood. This also enables you to close gaps between planting cycles. The seedlings are ready to go, once you remove the mature plants.

Knee Pads

TIP! Broad-spectrum pesticides are really not the optimal choice for pest control in your garden. These pesticides will also kill any beneficial insects that consume the pests you are trying to get rid of.

To save your knees from the wear and tear of horticulture, invest in some knee pads if your garden includes a lot of low-growth plants. Long hours tending your garden can leave your knees sore and achy. Buy yourself a pair of knee pads to use in the garden to cushion and protect your knees.

TIP! Keep your pet out of the garden with old perfume or aftershave in the grass. This will mask any scents that might attract your dog and make your garden less interesting to him.

All you need is a little homework, some work in the outdoors, and some patience. The effort will pay off, and you will see a good reward for your hard work.

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