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What the Heck are Garden Wall Water Fountains?

You've seen garden wall water fountains most of your life; you just didn’t know they were called that. Garden water fountains are usually in the middle or to one side of a natural or ornamental pond. This means you need a big ponds in order to have a fountain. Garden water fall fountains eliminate the need for the huge and inconvenient body of water. You just stick it up on a wall and go. Well, it's a little more complicated than that – but that's the basic idea.

Indoors And Out

Another advantage with garden wall water fountains is that you can take them indoors. You can’t do that with a pond – unless you have a really, really big house. Garden wall water fountains have been found in palaces and churches for centuries. They often look like basins with a trickle of water constantly coming down from a spout that's usually shaped like a mouth.

Modern garden wall water fountains can even be hung in you living room or a waiting room in your business to make a soothing and impressive feature. They can come in many colors, shapes, with your logo added, in the forms of an actual wall or even made from your specifications. They are made from a variety of materials like copper, marble or synthetic plastic.

Some Assembly Required

You can hire a plumber or contractor to install a garden wall water fountain or an indoor garden waterfall fountain, but it's often not necessary. Some indoor fountains are only about a foot high and are self contained. They are invading the shelves of gift shops and department stores all around the country, so they are easy to find. Many other garden wall water fountains come with instructions, a water pump, screws or nails and an electrical cord.

If you are familiar with putting together an aquarium, then you probably have all of the skills required to put together a small garden wall water fountain kit. They are based a lot on aquarium technology, such as water pumps and aerators. You do need to be sure that it is plugged into a wall socket in order to get the fountain effect going and the water not to get stagnant.

Choose a place that has a sturdy wall and is close to an electrical outlet. You should also place it in a room that isn't carpeted, as these indoor water fountains do splash a little bit.

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