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Many homeowners want a wooden garden shed for storage or use as a garden shed but are afraid they don’t have the skill necessary to build wooden garden sheds. This should not be the determining factor in deciding whether to have a garden storage shed in your backyard. Building a wooden garden shed is not that difficult and with a good set of proven garden shed plans the average homeowner is very capable of constructing a wooden garden shed.

THE BIGGEST HURDLE - For many homeowners not knowing what to do for the foundation or base for the wooden garden shed is the biggest obstacle to overcome. I admit that I had this quandary when I built my first wooden storage shed. I placed my first wooden storage shed on 4 x 4 cedar posts and built on up from there. Of course I did level the wooden timbers so the garden shed would be level but that was all I had to do. Most any homeowner is very capable of using this method and this should not be a reason to stop you from building a wooden storage shed.

NEXT BIGGEST HURDLE – For most homeowners who are hesitating about building their own wooden garden sheds the next biggest hurdle seems to be that they feel they do not have the carpentry skills to build their own storage shed. Again most homeowners are far more capable than they think they are in building garden sheds. Great carpentry skills are not required. With proven wooden garden shed plans the details are all laid out for you. There are instructions for cutting all of the wood and instructions on how to assemble the wood pieces. This is not difficult as you do not have to figure out any angles or distances. The proven wooden garden shed plans lay this all out for you.

THIRD BIGGEST HURDLE – I don’t know how to shingle! Shingling a wooden garden shed is not a difficult task at all. You can watch how to videos on how to properly shingle the roof of your garden storage shed and in a few minutes you will be ready to be an expert roofer as far as storage sheds go. Even if you don’t want to watch videos go to your local home improvement center and sign up for one of the many workshops they hold. You will be amazed at how many skills you can pick up by going to these. Also ask your friends and neighbors to show you. You will be surprised how much free advice and help there is all around you.

FOURTH BIGGEST HURDLE – I don’t have a truck or trailer to get all of the materials I need. That’s okay because you don’t need one. Simply take the materials list you get with proven wooden garden shed plans and take it to your local home improvement center or lumberyard and get a bid for all of your materials. Then ask them to deliver the materials you need. At the very end ask them for free delivery. Many times you can negotiate free delivery, but if not, usually the delivery charge is not all that expensive. Biggest thing is that you do not a truck or trailer to be able to build a wooden garden shed.

FIFTH BIGGEST HURDLE – I don’t have all of the tools I will need to build my own shed. You may not but you really don’t need that many tools to get the job done. Whatever tools you are missing simply borrow from a friend, neighbor, or family member. This is how most people get what they need if they don’t already own enough tools to build their own wooden garden sheds.

FINAL HURDLE – I need help to build my storage shed. Fine, if you feel like you would like to have help. Ask a friend, neighbor, or family member for help. Or, offer to help a neighbor build their wooden garden shed if they would in return help you build yours. This is done all of the time and a great way to make friends with your neighbor. Have a good barbeque afterword to celebrate your completed tasks and to admire your wooden garden sheds.

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