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Protecting Your Garden Pond Investment

A growing trend in the home and garden sector is the building of backyard fish ponds or aquatic plant ponds.  Putting a fish pond at your home and filling it with beautiful plants provides a wonderful and relaxing environment to your backyard.  Many people will also add a babbling brook, or tumbling water fall, and just sit by their pond for hours enjoying the lush environment.  You can even find these ponds adorned with statues of all sorts and exotic plants and flowers.  A garden pond can end up being a significant investment and one way to protect your treasure is to install pond netting.

Koi pond netting, or garden pond netting, is typically synthetic mesh netting designed to be placed over your pond.  It provides a shield of protection from various different factors.  Face it, if you spend all that time and money building up your treasured pond you might as well take an additional step to add pond netting for protection.

If you buy mesh that is a small enough pattern you can provide protection for your pond during the Fall.  Trees, plants, and shrubs will shed their leaves, and while this is a beautiful time of year it can wreak havoc on your Koi pond.  If leaves fall into your pond they can remain on the surface for quite some time preventing fish from surface feeding.  As time goes on the leaves absorb water and will settle to the bottom and for a residue layer and start to decay which can eventually pollute your pond and kill the fish inside.  Also, during Winter storms branches and flying twigs will be prevented from falling into the water if your Koi pond netting is in place.

You will also find that as you fill your garden pond with fish the cost will start adding up very quickly.  By nature these critters are quick jumpy and can be seen skipping across the surface of your wonderful pond.  This is a wonderful sight to see, but tragically from time to time these fish can jump out of the pond.  Of course you know the result and that is why you need to secure some fish pond netting over your investment to protect those beautiful fish.

Another threat to those precious fish is from land faring predators like birds, cats, and even coyotes.  These animals by nature will pray on fish, and there is nothing easier for them to grab a quick snack from your treasured garden pond.  To these animals, a Koi pond is like the proverbial shooting fish in a barrel and if you don’t protect your pond the fish will soon be gone.  Installing pond netting will keep this vermin from attacking your golden swimming jewels and give you peace of mind as well.

You may be in the habit of winterizing your pond to by removing the aquatic plants until warmer weather arrives.  Part of this process should be the inspection of your pond netting to make sure it is secure, has no rips or tears, and is not sagging in any areas.  Doing this yearly will insure that you will always be able to protect your investment and enjoy it for years to come.

If you are thinking about adding some protection to your garden or fish pond then you should consider adding some pond netting. Find out more information, reviews, and availability for pond netting please visit http://pondnetting.org

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