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6 Simple Lawn Care Tips That Wont Let You Down

A well-groomed lawn is indeed a matter of pride for most of us, but do we really have the time it takes to keep the lawn in its "lush" state. Regular pruning, weeding and mowing can take hours. And with our limited resources it is not always possible to hire a gardener. Here we have rounded up a few simple tips that will help make the task somewhat easier for you.

Get the Right Grass

The first step to easy lawn care is picking the right grass. There are tons of options out there; you need to pick the one that suits the climate and the soil type. It not only makes it easier to care for, but the grass will also grow lush and healthy.

Monitor Weeds

Even a few unruly weeds can destroy the grass and it is a constant battle to keep them in check. But the war can be won, if you make the right move! The best way to get rid of weeds is by pulling them by hand. Keep a weeding tool in hand, conduct a daily inspection and when you spot one, attack it. Herbicide is another way you can kill the weeds before it germinates. Get a pre-emergent herbicide from a local supply store. Apply it following the instructions given on the label. It creates a gas barrier on the top few inches of the soil, which prevents the weed from entering the soil and germinating.

Avoid Cutting the Grass Too Short

This simple habit can do your garden more damage then you realize. Cutting the grass too close to the roots can kill it. We all know how tough it is to mow the garden, but just to lengthen the time before the next cutting; you don't want to damage your garden beyond repair. Take your time and do it correctly.

Go Organic

Pesticides may initially take care of all those pesky bugs, but in the long run it can wreak havoc on your garden. The pesticides residue found on the plants will not only deplete the nutritional value of its produce, but also put a person at a health risk. Instead switch to organic means; it is safe, effective and a cheaper option.

Over Watering

It is difficult to say just how much water is too much for your garden. It basically depends on the temperature, season and the type of grass you have. But a safe way to go about it is by installing water sprinklers in your garden. An automated sprinkler is perhaps the wisest investment you can make for your garden. Install one in your lawn and it will take care of the rest.

Be Eco-Conscious

One of the best lawn care tips is to be environmental friendly. You don't have to go out of your way trying to be "eco-conscious"; simple things can also do the trick. Harvest rain water, use solar powered lawn gadgets and build your own composite bin.

Small lawns are easy to care for, but for expansive gardens it is better to call in a professional.

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