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brown patch

I have used the solution of cornmeal to stop the brown patch and it seems to be working and I've started bagging my grass clipping and I water 1 hour before sunset 30 minutes at each station. My question is how much should I water or fertilize to bring these patches back to being green again. It has been 14 days since I applied the cornmeal.

Mid-Summer is Siesta time for Cool Season Grass.  Stop watering and let it rest.

Dead areas MUST be seeded IMMEDIATELY -- not with Grass, which must be sowed in the Cool days of Autumn, but with another seed that will (a) take up space so that Weeds won't jump in and (b) help build up your Soil.

Yes, the right plants will build up your Soil.  Clover is my favorite -- Red or White, makes no difference.

Why do I love Clover?

It POURS Grass-ready Nitrogen into the Soil.  How can you not love Clover?

Note: Chemical Fertilizer will wipe out any friendly microbes you're growing in your neighborhood.  You can't be sneaky about this.  You need the friendly microbes because they are apparently putting Brown Patch in its place.

In Fall, you simply overseed any areas that did not stay dense and Green.

But stop watering.  Only water when the Grass needs it.  Soil should be drying out.  Thanks for writing,


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