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The Best Plants for a Cutting Garden

A cutting garden provides flowers or foliage for a vase or decorative arrangement. These cut flowers are planted for their beauty, and once they bloom, they are cut for indoor display. Most flowers from a cutting garden should have long stems that are ideal for vases.

Shasta Daisy

The Shasta daisy is from the aster/daisy family and is known by the botanical name of Leucanthemum x superbum. It is a perennial, bushy clump that grows 1 1/2 feet wide and 2 to 3 feet tall. White flowers are 2 to 5 inches wide with strap-like, 8-to-12 inch long leaves. Plant Shasta daisies in well-drained soil that isn't acidic. Full sun is best, but the flowers can also tolerate shade. Propagate in winter or early spring via division and by seed. The daisies will last for several days in cut flower arrangements.

Common Snapdragon

The common snapdragon is from the figwort family and is known by the botanical name of Antirrhinum majus. It is a fast-growing plant that is attracts hummingbirds. Flowers are produced in any hue but blue, and the height of the flowers ranges from 3 feet to 4 inches tall, depending on the cultivar. To grow a common snapdragon, plant it in well-drained, rich, organic soil in full sun. The flowers can tolerant partial shade. Propagate via seed.


The larkspur is from the buttercup family and is known by the botanical name Consolida ajacis. It is an easy-to-grow plant that attracts hummingbirds. Bright green leaves are feathery with flowers on 2-to-3 foot tall spikes. Flowers may be white, pink, blue or lilac. To grow a larkspur, plant it in full sun with supplemental watering. Propagate via seed in the fall or in the early spring.

Gerber Daisy

The Gerber daisy is from the aster/daisy family and is known by the botanical name of Gerbera jamesonii. It is an easy-growing perennial that has 8-to-10 inch long leaves. Flowers are 2 1/2 to 4 inches wide on 12-to-18 inch stems. Colors include yellow, orange, white, cream, pink, violet, crimson and red. Plant a Gerber daisy in well-drained soil in full sun. It can tolerate shade. Propagate via clump division and by seed.


The tulip is from the lily family and is known by the botanical name of Tulipa spp. It is a perennial that varies widely in flower color (all except blue hues) and size, and blooms in the spring. Leaves are basal and strap like. Plant a tulip in non-acidic, well-drained soil in full sun. Plants in zones 7 to 10 require afternoon shade. Propagate via offsets.

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