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Find Bamboo Plants at Alsip Home & Nursery

Lucky BambooDracaena sanderiana

At Alsip Nursery we offer a large variety of individual stalks as well as pre-made bamboo arrangements. Bamboo has become very popular over the last couple of years. You see them almost everywhere in offices, on desks, in businesses, and in homes pretty much everywhere these days. Not only because they are easy to care for but they are also known to add the balanced feeling in life when it come to the beliefs in Feng Shui.

If purchasing individual stalks you will need a vase or container with no drainage holes and rock or pebbles to help support the plants. Lucky Bamboo prefer bright indirect light and distilled water other than that they are not very picky plants. If the leaves start to turn yellow or become stretched this is a sign of too little light and should be moved to a place with more exposure. Dracaena plants in general are very salt intolerant and this is the reason to use distilled water. If tap water is the only option allow it to sit out 24 hours before use and this will allow some of the minerals Dracaenas do not like to evaporate. When fertilizing use a very diluted amount of fertilizer and make sure to empty the water a week later and replace with fresh water. Fertilizers do contain salts and other minerals that can rise to a toxic level to the plant since it has no way of being rinsed out of the plant unless the water is replaced. Replacing the water once a week or every two weeks is also a good habit to get into. Doing this lowers the chance of algae and bacteria growing in the vase.

Lucky Bamboo is recommended by Feng Shui masters to improve Feng Shui and create a space where you feel safe and energized. Also adds color and life to any room and very easy to care for.


  • This plant thrives in bright indirect light or areas with no natural light. Receive best coloring in indirect light.
  • Thrives in just water. Place the plants in a vase about ¼ full of water and fill with decorative rock to help hold the plants straight.
  • Fertilizing should be done in the spring and summer months. Use a 1/3 of the power for a regular houseplant fertilizer.
  • Change the water when necessary to keep algae from growing.

Grow Your Own

If side shoots are present break or clip one off from the side of the plant. Place the bottom of the broken off piece in a cup of water. Change water every 3 days until roots are present.

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