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Flower Care So Easy Even Anna Nicole Smith Could Do It

Celebrity personality Anna Nicole Smith is known for many things, and while there's no question that she has had notable successes in her life, let's face it-she's not known for her intelligence. In fact, for many people, her dizzy blonde personality is part of her appeal. Does that mean she'd have trouble with simple tasks like keeping fresh flowers alive longer? Not if she follows some simple tips for keeping floral arrangements fresher longer.

In general, flower arrangements will stay fresh for somewhere between four and seven days. That, of course, depends on what kinds of flowers are used and how they are cared for. The care they'll need will depend on whether they're a part of an arrangement or loose flowers. Below are some care tips for both.

Floral Arrangements

* If the arrangement is in a vase, keep it filled with water that has flower food in it. Many florists include a packet of flower food with their deliveries, but if not, your local florist should have some available for purchase.

* If the arrangement is in a floral foam, keep the foam soaked with water containing flower food.

* Be sure to precisely follow the mixing instructions on the flower food package. Do not dilute the solution to make it last longer.

* If the water and food solution gets cloudy, promptly replace it with fresh solution. If possible, trim one to two inches from each stem using a utensil that will not crush the stems.

* Place the arrangement in a cool place that is not subject to direct sunshine. You should also avoid drafts from fans and heat from vents or appliances.

Loose or Boxed Flowers

* Flowers should be kept cool until they can be placed in a water and flower food solution.

* Precisely follow the mixing instructions for the water and food solution.

* Make sure the vase you place the flowers in has been cleaned with a mild detergent or antibacterial cleaning solution. Thoroughly rinse the vase.

* Take off any leaves that will be below the water line.

* Trim one to two inches from the stems.

Many people purchase loose flowers to create their own arrangements. When you purchase loose flowers, it's important to look for a few things to make certain you're getting good quality flowers that will last as long as possible. In general, look for flowers that have firm, upright petals and a few buds that are just beginning to open. Avoid flowers that are yellowish, droopy, or have brown spots. If you're making an arrangement of flowers with woody stems, like lilacs or forsythia, use a sharp shears to cut the stems and avoid crushing them. Crushed stems will limit water flow to the blossom and cause them to fade faster.

You see, there's really no big secret to keeping flowers alive longer. Just follow these ideas and consult with your florist should you have any questions or problems. He or she will be happy to help you get the most out of your flowers.

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