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Why Not Choose Organic Garden Fertilizer?

A question that is sure to bother most dedicated gardeners is why use organic garden fertilizers. This is indeed a good question and the answer too is simple: this is a form of garden fertilizer that helps the plants and your garden and more importantly, will not do any harm to the environment or pollute it in any way. It is interesting to note that almost seventy percent of pollution in our water occurs because of agricultural related pollution and the main culprit is chemical based fertilizers.

Soil Erosion

When chemicals from the fertilizer enter the soil and leach into water it results in erosion of soil, which in the case of large scale farming will allow unwanted and excessive chemicals to enter the water and contaminate it. Even home gardeners must be held accountable for polluting the waters; especially if they have been using chemical based garden fertilizers.

One way of ensuring that you do not contribute to this water contamination is to switch over to using organic garden fertilizer which will keep the garden flourishing as well as ensures that the environment does not get polluted through coming into direct contact with dangerous chemicals. Any good organic garden fertilizer will in fact provide added nutrients to the soil and so will help improve the characteristics of the garden soil.

Simply adding natural garden fertilizer will provide your garden and its plants with the required amount of nutrients and this is enough to promote optimum growth. Another benefit to using organic garden fertilizer is that it will benefit the soil irrespective of the type of garden soil. Any plant that grows in your garden must, in order to thrive, get its fair share of three main nutrients: potassium, nitrogen as well as phosphorous.

Fortunately, organic garden fertilizers contain all these essential nutrients, though manure is one kind of organic fertilizer that does not contain all three nutrients. It has therefore become common practice among manufacturers of organic garden fertilizer to combine a number of different materials so that the correct mix is achieved. As a concerned gardener it is sure to be in your best interests to first of all always check what different organic garden fertilizers have in them and then, after satisfying you that they contain the required nutrients, buy products that contain the best mix of the three most important nutrients.

Of late, more and more gardeners have become attracted to vegetable gardening. There are many obvious reasons for this newfound popularity of this form of gardening. For one, this kind of gardening is very easy and in addition it offers the gardener a ready source of fresh as well as delightfully tasting vegetables that can help you to cook up an appetizing meal at home without worrying that the vegetables contain harmful chemicals and pesticides.

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