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Hydroponic Nutrients - Intro

To succeed in plants growing a gardener must not underestimate plants fertilizing. Too little nourishing may result in the weak and slow-growing plants, while too much fertilizer can burn their roots and even destroy them completely. Therefore, it is important to know the basics of the plants fertilizing, the key facts of which are described below.

 Hydroponic nutrient solutions are available in the shops in the concentrated forms. To make a solution suitable for the plants, it is necessary to add a certain amount of a fertilizer to the water. The ideal ratio of hydroponic nutrient solution contains 150-600 parts per million. The nutrients are usually sold in two or three parts. It is necessary to mix nutrients in water prior to combining several of them together.

 How Much Hydroponic Nutrient Solution to Use?

 Different plants require different concentrations of the nutrients. Moreover, the strength of the solution even depends on the growth stage of the plants. No wonder that hydroponic nutrient solutions can be found in “grow” or “growth” formulas, which are suitable either for the vegetative or blooming stage of the plants. Do not forget to timely switch to the flower stage solution in order to promote richer blooming and fruiting, trying to make the most of every plant.

 Healthy plants growing in the good environment should be watered with regular strength solutions. However, it is possible to use stronger formulations to improve plants efficiency. In this case, grow area should meet all the requirements of the perfect garden, including lighting, ventilation, and aeration. In the presence of such conditions it is recommended to increase nutrient solution strength gradually to avoid roots burning.

 The improvement in the plants growth can be reached with the use of different additives, available in the gardening stores. However, a gardener should always keep the diaries with the description of the additive used and its influence on the plants. This will help to track and timely eliminate any negative plants reactions by cleansing the hydroponic system.

 How to Measure Hydroponic Nutrient Solutions

 To define the strength of the nutrient solution the method of defining electronic conductivity of the minerals dissolved in the water is used. A unit of measure here is called ppm (parts per million). However, this option allows to only approximately define the conductivity, but it does not provide the actual strength figures of the solution. To ease the process of mixing the nutrients, they are sold as the mix of tree parts, which offers a gardener a possibility to change the strength of the solution if necessary.

 Overuse of Hydroponic Fertilizers

 If a gardener suspects over fertilization, he should flush the access nutrients out of the growing medium. Clean water should be used to water the plants until the first signs of the nutrient deficiency are seen. Then it is necessary to return to the usual feeding of the plants. A top down flushing is used to wash the hydroponic solutions taste out of the plants two weeks before harvesting.

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