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Greenhouse Growing - Growing Fresh Vegetables,Herbs and Fruits In Your Own Greenhouse

When it comes to <b>greenhouse growing</b>, what you are able to cultivate in your greenhouse will depend, generally speaking,  on your location and the season your in. This applies to basic detached cool or cold greenhouses, which most amateur gardeners opt for in their own gardens. Of course if you want to invest a little more in the way of installing heating and lighting systems, you can grow virtually anything year round.

The purpose of your greenhouse is to create the perfect growing environment for the selected crops throughout the year. The greenhouse does not do this all by itself, obviously. You, the gardener have to make the adjustments for ambient temperature, ventilation, heating, humidity, cooling and then monitor each of these parameters for success in growing the plants you want to.

With a little effort, you can grow vegetables and other plants in your greenhouse throughout the year!

Your greenhouse gives you the opportunity to grow different types vegetables, herbs, and fruit among food crops. You can use pots, planters, prepared beds, grow bags and even hydroponics to achieve amazing results. All food plants need consistent care, ample sunlight and ventilation, optimum soil structure and moisture level and feed in the form of fertilizers. Setting up supports to keep your plants from trailing on the floor is also key.

It's should also be pointed out that staying vigilant when it comes to watching for pests and disease. If your greenhouse doesn't have excellent drainage in place it will develop standing water in areas, which will a prolific breeding ground for pests of all types - Not Good!

You can grow your plants in pots as well as in beds. Both work well, but have different requirements as far as care is concerned. It is easier to care for and manage food plants if you use containers for growing perennial herbs and fruit plants, but a greenhouse bed for both annual vegetables and herbs as well as bedded fruits like strawberries. Clay pots are ideal for growing perennial herbs because their roots prefer relatively drier root zones with a minimum fertilizer input. You can use separate pots for different varieties, but it is possible to plant several of your favorites together.

When preparing beds for the vegetable and annual herbs, ensure proper drainage on a concrete floor by laying down a slatted base under the beds or making a drainage pipe to channel away excess water. Cover these with aluminum screening to keep in the soil mix. Create more space by attaching trellises for plants like tomatoes and cucumbers, and filling the space between these as they grow by planting other salad plants below.

If you wish to do away with the mess created while preparing beds and growing mixes, you can simply buy grow bags that contain an ideal growing mix for your veggies and annual herbs. These are effective for a season, but get depleted thereafter. Also, the bags restrict room for root growth to a degree and the growing mix may get rapidly heated up on warm days. It takes more effort to keep the grow bags individually watered.

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